Data Management Blog: send me your worst use case! SchemaLightener update underway


Data Management Blog
Data management, Cloud, Transformation and anything else...

send me your worst use case! SchemaLightener update underway

Am working in updating the code to the #SchemaLightener (which also flattens schemas and wsdl files) to use XSLT 2.0 and other enhancements.  Having offered this tool for years, I've accumulated many use cases that I can test with.  And of course, I use many consortia standard schemas and wsdls.  However, I want your worst use cases!  So I can make this tool the best it can be.  Don't worry - I won't redistribute them, so you are free to send me your ugliest cases!
Simply email me and I'll work to incorporate these use cases into the testing of this new version.
And thank you.
© Copyright Paul Kiel.