Data Management Blog: SchemaLightener gets a user interface


Data Management Blog
Data management, Cloud, Transformation and anything else...

SchemaLightener gets a user interface

The Xml SchemaLightener now has a user interface. So making a thinner view of an Xml Schema is now as simple as point and click.
Screenshot (click to enlarge - image is a bit fuzzy):

The SchemaLightener can be integrated into other tools and so does not *require* the use of the UI. But the UI provides a nice easy way to perform this function. Need a quick view of the schema for a group meeting? No problem. Just point and click, selecting an Xml Schema to lighten, an Xml instance that is representative of what you want, and then executing the transformation.

This UI is built with Java, so it works cross platform. It has been tested on windows vista, xp, and linux (ubuntu). And as I said before, has been tested using many Consortia standard schemas.

Plus, the Flattener, which was recently added, can also be invoked using the UI.
© Copyright Paul Kiel.