Data Management Blog: article: Extend enumerated lists in XML schema


Data Management Blog
Data management, Cloud, Transformation and anything else...

article: Extend enumerated lists in XML schema

Hi folks,

In my effort to empower Xml Schema designers and implementers, I've added another item of interest. I've written an article for IBM's DeveloperWorks on the topic of extensible enumerated lists.

Extend enumerated lists in XML schema

The topic of extending enumerated lists is a perennial request I get from clients. The fact that the schema spec does not allow for this extensibility has caused many to develop a work around. The article outlines solutions I've seen.

It is a complimentary piece to my article on some time ago on developing a usable profile of xml schema.

Profiling Xml Schema

This paper was well received and I even got a couple clients as a direct result of the article. So I feel like my effort to empower Xml Schema designers is proving useful for folks.

My current work helping schema implementers is involved in moving the Xml Schema Lightener into a more mature level. Again, I got some great early interest and am working hard on improvements.
© Copyright Paul Kiel.